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Payments and Paying Online

Payments to School for Trips and Activities

We try to enhance school learning through regular trips and activities, which occasionally require a small charge to our parents. We continually monitor how much we ask of each year group, to ensure fairness and keep costs down throughout the academic year.

Where trips do cost money, we ask our parents and carers to use our online payments system.

Paying Online

We use Arbor, to offer you an online payment method which puts you in control.  You can access it at any time, track how much you have paid, what is outstanding and make payments directly to us by bank transfer.


Getting started

You will need to register for an Arbor account You will need to enter your email address which matches the one we have on record for you and your child's date of birth. Please ensure we have the most up-to-date contact details.

If you have a smartphone, you can download the Arbor app from your app store (android and iPhone).  The app shows the same information as the website but is more easily accessible for you. 

Payment requests

When there is money owing to school by you, we will set up payment requests and you will be notified by text or email that there is a payment request available.  Simply log in using your email address and your password, select the payment request(s) you wish to fulfil and follow the Wizard through to pay.

You can see a record of the payments that you’ve made and receipts are sent to your registered email address for all transactions you make. The system removes the need to send money into school with your child, removing the chance of money going astray, making it convenient for you to pay when it suits you.

Your card details are not stored in Arbor or our school system. .

If you have any questions about this, please contact the school office.